Concert, Photo by
Cocktail, Photo by Adam Jaime on Unsplash
Brussels, Photo by ssalae

Royal Gin Afterwork at Summer Set Rooftop - Free Entrance - Residence Palace

7 juillet 2017



Residence Palace Rooftp Rue de la Loi 155 1040 Bruxelles

FRIDAY 07.07 >> 18:00 - 23:00 Royal Gin Afterwork - Summer Set 2017 "The Rooftop" Edition We're delighted to invite you to a unique and exclusive penthouse afterwork, boasting one of the highest and most spectacular views of Brussels' skyline! Bring your friends, join the fun, mix and mingle, while enjoying a breathtaking 360° bird-eye overview of the heart of Brussels. What a better way to ease you through the end of the week? Let the good times BeGin ;-) See you there! Pre-register on and secure your fastlane access ROADMAP Residence Palace Shuman Exclusive new location Residence Palace - Press Center Rue de la Loi 155, Bloc C - 1040 Bxl Entrance door 5C IMPORTANT: When you arrive at Schuman Square, do not take the exit Rue de la Loi but exit just past it on the parallel small street along the main road. You can enter by car. PARKING - Private parking at The Residence Palace. First come, first served. - Parking Loi (Rue de la Loi 85 - 1040 Brussels) - Metro Schuman Good News... We are happy to announce that an access solution has been found. So for the Gin Jeudi Edition you will have two different lifts and for the bravest stairs will be also available. ------------- -Entrée gratuite- Nous ouvrons les portes de 18:00 à 23:00 l'Afterwork se prolonge jusqu'à 00:00 -01:00 MAX mais l'accès pour participer c 'est 18:00 - 23:00 !!! venez tot!!! Retour